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At Morphosis Partners we pride ourselves on delivering to individuals a level of discretion and confidentiality in respect to their professional reputations and our retained working obligations with them.

That said a number have consented to deliver for your comfort, insight around their own individual experience as a means of aiding you to have the confidence to consider working with Morphosis Partners just as they did.

Please respect their privacy, confidentiality, honesty and transparency.

Stephen, Chief Financial Officer speaks to Morphosis about his experience and success story.

Stephen explains his Morphosis experience

1m 31s

Many our clients have been recipients of services such as traditional outplacement, career management, head-hunters, search firms and had extensive networks of their own.  Many have previously self-invested in order to gain support. The table below highlights ‘REAL’ examples of our individual clients and their comparative journey with us to include outcomes and timelines.

Our methods work, read below:

Victoria, Executive Global Alliance Partner

After making a life-changing decision to leave an executive role in a Global organization following > 20 years service, my plan was to take a short career break before engaging with recruitment agencies.

After a few unrewarding months applying to advertised roles and head hunter meetings, it was clear that they were either not listening or simply not able to provide the access routes I needed to reconnect with my career at the right level and in keeping with my preferences. So, the call with Jo was rather timely.

I heard this exceptionally bright, professional lady introduce herself as Jo Rawcliffe. Jo and I connected immediately. It was clear that I was talking to someone whom I could trust, connect with, and was interested in me.

Following the call with Jo, I felt that I was ready to reconnect my career. Hence, I started working with Jo and Simon.

Their job search approach is quite different to anything I had witnessed in the past both in terms of outplacement and career management. Within 4 weeks of working with Jo and Simon, I had been educated and repositioned within the job market and had interest from 3 large global organizations and 2 UK based.

After an exhaustive yet fully supported 14 interview process, I accepted a career leveraging role into a business high on my aspirational choices.

I am today thoroughly enjoying my role. I feel like I have started a new life and made 2 long term friends in Jo and Simon.

I cannot thank Jo and Simon enough. I would recommend their services to anyone. It really has been a truly life-changing experience.

Steve, Commercial Product Manager

I had been job searching for a long while on my own without any success. In order to try and change my approach, I had worked over that time, with a couple of recruitment ‘experts’. These were experts at getting paid and after filling questionnaires writing a few letters for them to review, nothing happened. In reality, I was going around in circles when I found out about Morphosis Partners.

Firstly, they ‘interviewed’ me to see if they could help me. A totally new approach and they could have turned me away.

How I summarise them and what I got, I feel is best described as:

Focus: In all aspects, they never ever lost sight of the end game and they always focused on me as an individual. Whenever I hit a ‘block’ they always developed paths for me to follow that got around those blocks. Having them backing my corner, to keep me on the correct track was totally invaluable. The tact they showed when I deviated was welcome. I worked with Morphosis Partners at a hard point in my career, so having someone focus on you and treat you with respect is un-quantifiable

Understanding: They invest a lot of time. They developed a great understanding of me, my career history, skill and where I wanted to be. This was much more than a multiple-choice questionnaire process. This was gained via face to face discussions not in a formal office but through an informal conversation over a great coffee. Their understanding of me grew over further conversation and they adapted accordingly with their offer to help. Again, a unique experience as compared to other providers.

Support: They gave excellent and very personal support. They are always able to arrange calls and video calls at short notice and did not let me slip on anything I agreed to do as part of their team. They are really a great conscience to have, my own would have let things slip. They talked me through down times and always brought me back on track. I was always at the centre of everything they did.

Reach: Brilliant at showing how and who to reach out to. Thereby not only extending my network but really helped me in my job search. Everyone has an existing network and here they excelled in how to analyse and organise my contacts in order to make better use of them. Once organised, they reached out on my behalf but also showed how to overcome the barriers to reaching out friends, business colleagues and newly identified people I was keen to know.

Research: Once opportunities had been identified, research then honed in on the key areas of synergy and alignment, and that is really second to none. Others talk a nice story of what can do but rarely delivery. Morphosis Partners delivers. Their research leads straight into development of the hook that interests and allows doors to be opened and relevant opportunities to be secured. From that and their total support l found the role that I wanted and competed for it successfully. It took 11 weeks from the very start of my working with them to secure my role.

Knowledge: The knowledge they possess is backed up with a wealth of practical experience  and is something I have never come in contact with before. They are also extremely capable of putting this acquired knowledge to use, which I have personally benefitted from. Their knowledge and experience gave me confidence and a successful outcome. Infact, working with Morphosis Partners brought me back to my old level of confidence.

Passion: This is one trait that is never invisible. They have a great passion for what they do. They have seen first-hand how others in the market behave and have taken an active stance not to be the same, in order to provide a service without equal. They are not only passionate about what they do, they were passionate about helping me achieve my goals even when presenting to them the challenges I had been facing over a previous couple of years that other providers had been unable to solve. To make sure I could achieve they went to great lengths to make sure my goals were actually achievable. No-one had ever sensor checked that before. Their passion is infectious, as is their confidence.

Morphosis Partners did not promise me a job. But to get that job you need someone fighting in your corner, with the experience and resources and commitment to you. Trying to search jobs without support for me became soul destroying.

Working with Morphosis Partners made me review what I had done before, tear it up and start from scratch. The work Morphosis Partners do and what they did for me gave confidence, belief in myself and great tools to achieve, and I did.

Patricia, Commercial Marketing Director

Hi Simon and Jo,

Have you heard of the Cheshire Cat? Well right now, I look like him!

And millions of thanks for all your advice, research and directional support. I have used many of your suggested anecdotes, translating them into answer frameworks to overcome the danger questions. This made the delivery slick and convincing. As I said to Jo today, I could not have done it without Morphosis Partners. Absolutely not!

Probably one of the best ways to invest in yourself professionally! Through career security, I am able to have and maintain security and wellbeing elsewhere in my life.

As in Edith Piaf song – Non, rien de rien je ne regrette rien. Absolutely fab!

So thanks again for all your hard work.

Wim, Strategist & Professor of Innovation & Entrepreneurship

I think this really hits the mark. Very clever!

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