HR Services - aligning and empowering people for success

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Morphosis Partners work with a growing number of businesses across the UK and overseas.  Our central interest and impact area concerns people. We recognise technology as a valuable enabler, however it must be fit for purpose, and each individual within a business aligned.

Beyond this it has to align across the entirety of the supply chain, from supplier through to end customer in order to create a unified and frictionless business experience. To create this cultural identity and a sustainable future, employers large and small should remain focused on their people.

Change has always existed but, connectivity has accelerated both the highs and the lows of a business in the marketplace. Businesses are also operating in a very changeable and increasingly ambiguous landscape where leadership and marketplace advantage is now based on the speed at which decisions are being made and actions taken.

Morphosis Partners are a collective of expert practitioners who go beyond advisory and consultancy alone; able to take ownership and accountability for the contribution and impact that is made.  From knowledge transfer, to directed implementation across our areas of expertise you can be confident in our ability to provide a solution that is commercially accessible and fit for purpose.

Our interest is to work with a business at either an individual, team or organisational level in the areas where we have specific expertise.

Integrity, honesty and providing what is actually required to deliver and make the difference is central to the Morphosis Partners DNA.

MORPH – to change

OSIS – the situation, trigger or driver

PARTNERS – a collective interest 

At Morphosis Partners we believe there is an ART to Attracting, Retaining and Transitioning talent. If your situation, desire or need exists in these areas then you can be confident Morphosis Partners has a solution. 



Success comes from an Employer Brand proposition able to identify and attract the talent you need today and tomorrow.

Attraction of talent is much more than a transactional process map of actions in response to a hiring need.

For a business to have continued success, it requires resources, tools and methodologies across a highly connected transient talent pool, that enable it to attract the workforce needed or risk them choosing an alternative employer.

Morphosis Partners provide the smartest, tactical routes to identifying the talent you need with proven methods to engage with precision in order to efficiently select and appoint, adding to your employer brand.

Assuming people are your greatest asset, surely you should ensure that your workforce attraction strategy supports that assumption.



How an employer brand behaves in terms of employee experience is key to having a high performance and valued workforce.

Retention of talent is much more than occasional internal communications and quarterly performance review. For a business to retain talent, transparent communication platforms are essential providing feedback, assessing engagement, learning & development and employee evolution, in line with the employer developing strategy and need.

How you navigate your workforce in line with existing and future business priorities will be a key measure of a businesses culture, leadership competence and will impact on the level of success or otherwise the business can realise.

Morphosis Partners provide a suite of capabilities and expertise supporting the business to engage and evolve your workforce in line with business needs recognised as an employer of choice


Whether an individual has been contributing to the success of your business for one month, one year or twenty five years the welfare of the individual remains paramount. In times of change, situations may arise where individuals and employers no longer align. This could be due to performance of the individual or team or department but could equally be down to lack of employer foresight to evolve their people in line with business needs.

Employer brand and reputation management necessitates you manage the employee as well during transition as you did on boarding and retaining.

At Morphosis Partners we call this Transition. A step change in capability and relevance able to assess and realign talent for future benefit and for those individuals where the need to move on is mutually agreed, this change enables the individual to move on as compared to outplacement, allowing the employer to move forward minimising disruption.